Who We Are


We communicate truth, goodness, and beauty


We design products in-house


We inspire, educate, inform, and encourage


We strategize, solve, build, implement, analyze, and revive


We work energetically and efficiently to give our customers the experience they deserve!


We envision, create, implement, and execute

We exist to promote Truth, Goodness, and Beauty by providing outstanding products and services to our customers that honor God and our community.

Our Beliefs

We believe that the fullness of Truth can change lives, save souls, heal marriages, protect friendships, foster inner growth, and help each of us draw closer to Christ. We recognize that truth isn’t relegated to one sphere of life—it should permeate, transform, and motivate us in every aspect of our lives and in everything we do. Our goal is to communicate truth, goodness, and beauty to everyone who comes in contact with us.

Our Values

United in our values, we provide gifts, devotionals, sacramentals, books, digital programs, and other resources for people all over the world. Our life-changing products have transformed people’s spiritual journeys, giving them the tools they need to live with renewed hope and purpose. By helping to spread the Faith, we build stronger families and work towards a better world.

Our Mission

We want to encourage you in your personal journey and equip you to overcome challenges so that you can share the joy of Christ with others. Visit our brands and explore their offerings to find the hope you long for, the resources you need, and the motivation to seek your full potential in Christ.

“The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty, and truth.”

Albert Einstein

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